Monday, September 28, 2015

Re-blogging: 101 Blog Post Ideas To Make Your Blog Hot

101 ideas to make your blog hot! (Photo credit)
For today's post, I am re-blogging a wonderful and insightful post that I came across recently. This post has 101 ideas simple ideas on adding variety to your blog content and keeping the readers engaged. What else does a blogger need! Here are a few of my favourite ones from the list:

1. Run a contest
2. Review books/movies/products
3. Interview someone famous
4. Write a photo post (which is what I did at the beginning of this 7 day marathon)
5. Share travel experiences
6. Jot down lists - the longer, the better
7. Add guest posts so that you can get breathers
8. Bust a myth
9. Write about your success/failure stories and lessons learnt from them
10. Write pros and cons of something
11. Share your blogging story
12. Write a series
13. List your popular posts (which is what I did on Sunday. See! The ideas are already working!)
14. Write a hand written post and post a picture of it. Pretty unique, I'd say!
15. Write A-Z of something you are good at

For the whole laundry list, here's the original blog for your reading pleasure.

101 Blog Post Ideas To Make Your Blog Hot

Do share your most favourite ones in the comments. I'd love to know what's on your list!

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