Sunday, September 7, 2014

100th post - my blogging journey

Finally, i am at this important milestone on my blog - my 100th post! i thought this would be the right time to look back and reminisce about my blogging journey. To begin with, i don’t think 100 posts since 2009 is a great achievement. In fact, when i noticed, recently, that i hadn’t even hit the 100 mark in all these years, i was surprised! On checking my stats, i found that i wrote with gusto in 2009 with maximum posts in the year. The enthusiasm was at its lowest in 2013 and completely absent in 2011. 

 I started my blog one afternoon in August 2009 when the social media bug hadn’t yet bit us. In hindsight, I was a social media virgin. I don’t think I had heard of Twitter and definitely not about Wordpress. That was the time I was still wondering about this phenomenon called blogging. And the curious cat that I am, I had to do it myself and see what it was really about. So, armed with no knowledge of setting up a blog and only writing as a passion, I set up a blog. In fact, it seems pretty adventurous of me to have embarked on a technical task like this. I did seek a little help from someone and setting up a blog on Blogger was pretty easy.

Set up over, what next? Since it is a general blog, it was hard to come up with exciting topics to write. I had to try hard to squeeze out topics to write about because lets accept it - we start blogs as a hobby but do want to make it interesting so that we have readers dropping in comments! But i guess my blog writing has been intermittent and I did lose steam for long periods in between.

Blogging as a hobby is actually misleading. Blogs can be started as a hobby but to keep it going is like nurturing a baby. You need all the time and passion to post frequently. It’s a high maintenance hobby in terms of time and discipline that it demands. 

Coming to the recent times, one of the resolutions for this year was to write more often. And I did do it once a week! But another major thing that happened to boost this space is my foraying into Social Media. I have been doing extensive research on the phenomenon for professional purposes. And since this blog provides me a ready platform, it has only benefitted by my new knowledge of strategies that make a blog better.

So the future seems bright. Many more milestones to reach and hope the fascinating journey ahead is going to be more exciting than ever! So fasten your seat belts again and here we go.....


A chore called laundry

The first time I read someone say that folding laundry is therapeutic, I scoffed at the idea. Mounds of laundry is something that all...well...