Friday, November 1, 2024

The Art Of Acceptance

What do we want the most in life? From ourselves and from others. From society, friends and most importantly, family. Acceptance - the way we are and who we are. 

It could help to begin with self-acceptance. Do we accept who we are. As women, society tells us that we are never enough. Actually, that bias may be gender neutral. But I feel the pressure is more on women. 


As children, the first people we crave acceptance is from our parents. Studies show that even babies who are a few days/months old can make out if that have their parents' acceptance. That's how important being accepted by people who birthed us is. And ironically that's what's hard to come by in life. I am not a parent so I don't know why parents find it hard to accept the way their kids are and not judge them for who they turned out to be. This is a constant tussle even though we were obedient kids with no personal/social life whatsoever. And still acceptance was hard to come by. 

When people want to come out, the first challenge that comes to mind is what their parents will think. Will they accept their identity/sexuality. That's something that can create life-long rifts because parents are unable to accept something they did not expect their kid to be - straight. The society as a challenge comes later. 

We first want the freedom to be who we are in our own homes and that gives us the courage to face the world. If parents were to offer unconditional support, kids can have the self-esteem and the courage to soar high in whatever their dreams are. Nothing is too big and no goal to petty to go for. As people who form our personalities with their encouragement or judgement, parents can make or mar their children. Quite literally. There's a whole book by Carol Dweck, called Mindset, which talks about how the formative years are so crucial in setting our beliefs and how we feel about our capabilities. And guess what! Parents are the conduits for those beliefs. It's all up to them whether we feel out abilities are fixed or we can improve with hard work. 

So yeah! While most eastern parenting is judgemental, western parents are more liberal in letting their children be. I don't know how the acceptance rates differ although I am thinking that letting your children be would mean higher acceptance, logically. 


Siblings are the only people who know us right from our childhood (even if not from the time we were born, in the case of older siblings) and they are likely to last as long as we do. Constant companions of a lifetime. Again, parents have a huge role to play in how they raise their children and get them to bond with the siblings. There are understanding siblings who love each other unconditionally. But a lot of times that love isn't enduring. It smacks of parental judgment. And since we grow up together with parallel lives, we need to keep up with how people change as they grow and not be influenced by who they were as kids. That's the mature way to handle things. 

As people who grow together and then go on to lead their own lives, siblings need a lot more understanding about where the others are with respect to their own lives. Appreciating that people who they grew up with can develop a different value system and outlook to life is such an important part of sibling acceptance. Unfortunately, it's hard when one isn't the recipient of that unconditional love from siblings. Even as sisters/brothers, people may not agree and accept their siblings' different ways of looking at life. 

I've been told that I am too blunt and that I should do more for people around me. And this is long after I reached my limit of caring for others. I wish I got the acceptance to live my experiences and be the person that I have become without having to think about what my own family might think about it. I think a lot of that comes from the fact that siblings know us since we were born and expect us to have a similar worldview and their judgement takes on parental hues. 


I think an important part of why we ares friends with our friends is because they accept our crazy selves the way we are. People who aren't close to us and we just tolerate them may not have our whole acceptance. But still we are no one to judge and people have the right to be who they are. The best gift we can give them as people is to let them be their true selves. 


A popular saying goes: Women marry men thinking they will change but they don't and men marry women thinking they wont change but they do. Women are said to want to change men into perfect versions of themselves. Whereas men are happy being themselves except their wives now run the house for them. They have no wish to become the versions their wives envision for them. But the best gift, once again, is to learn accept for who people are. There are compromises in all relationships and one has to be the big person to give room for people to be who they are. Smothering the other with who you want to be is only going to make matters worse. Marriage is hard enough and after siblings, this is the relationship that's going to stick for the rest of our lifetimes. 

The acceptance I have in my marriage makes up for the lack of it from every one else. And I can't thank my lucky starts that I don't have to worry about being judged in my own house. Which in turn has made me less tolerant with people who judge me. I know I am enough and good enough the way I am. As long as how I live isn't hurting anyone, I have the right to live the way I want to. 

So look around you and consider the people who are a part of your life. Let go of your prejudices and expectations of how people should be. How about accommodate them for who they are. Give them the gift is unconditional acceptance! 

What do we want the most in life? Acceptance! 

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