Welcome to Crappy Customer Service Ltd! If you are a moron, press 1; if you are a moron who thinks u r intelligent, press 2; if this menu makes no sense, press 3 (Customer: Snoring....), If you regret calling us, press 4 .....if you thought you wud get prompt response, press 7, to go back to the previous menu press 8, to talk to our customer care exekutive, press 9, (Customer: Snoring....) - Sorry, we have not received your input, your call is being transferred to our customer care representatives. This call may be recorded for internal training and quality purposes (Customer: Snoring)
Helpful Exekutive: "Hello, welcome to Crappy Customer Service Ltd, My name is Parthasarathy. I am glad to take your call this morning, how can I help you?.... Hello? ....Hellow?
Customer (with a start): Oh...so you are here finally!
Helpful Exekutive: Hello, welcome to Crappy Customer Service Ltd, My name is Parthasarathy. I am glad to take your call this morning, how can I help you?
Customer (groggy): Hmmm, let me see how you can help.... what company did u say you are?
Helpful Exekutive: Hello, welcome to Crappy Customer Service Ltd, My name is Parthasarathy. I am glad to take your call this morning, how can I help you?
Customer: Oh! Yeah! I just wanted to know an additional entry in the statement for this month.
Helpful Exekutive: May I know your Customer Identification Number Sir?
Helpful Exekutive: Can you please enter your Telephone Identification Number, Sir?
Helpful Exekutive: Thank you very much sir. Do I have your permission to put your call on hold while I retrieve the data sir?
Customer (dozing off again): Huh-uh
Music, sounding like lullaby
Helpful Exekutive: Thanks for your patience, Mr. Sleepyhead. For verification purposes, can I know your address?
Customer: Prem Gali, Kholi number 420
Helpful Exekutive: Can you also help me with your date of birth?
Customer: Sometime in the last century
Helpful Exekutive: Thanks for the information Mr. Sleepyhead! Are you an authorised signatory on this account?
Customer: No, this account belongs to my wife and I just want to know about one entry in the statement.
Helpful Exekutive: Sorry sir, we cannot provide information to only the authorised signatory.
Customer: But she is out of town and I need to know this
Helpful Exekutive: Sorry sir, our process doesn't permit us to do it.
Customer: (Disappointed): Alright
Helpful Exekutive: Thank you for calling Crappy Customer Service Ltd. It was a pleasure talking to you sir. Hope you have a great....beep....beep.....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
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A chore called laundry
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